Sunday, 24 July 2016

Anthony Smith of Berkeley - How to Work Your Way Up to Becoming an Academic Counselor

Anthony Smith of Berkeley worked at several high schools and is an experienced academic counselor. He worked for eleven years at Berkeley High School and helped several students navigate their way through high school and onto college. Working as an academic counselor is not a task for the fainthearted, it requires patience and skill in dealing with students, parents, and teachers. Anthony Smith spent eleven years working at Berkeley High School and rendered personal, social, and academic advice to students. Here are a few tips you can use if you are looking to become an academic counselor.

If you are planning to become an academic counselor, you will need to earn an undergraduate degree. While you can choose a degree in any field, it would benefit your career if you considered taking up a degree in education, or some other related field. Once you have completed your undergraduate program, you might want to enroll in a master’s degree program with an emphasis in education or school counseling. After completing your master’s degree program, you might need to earn your certificate as each state could have different laws that apply to academic counselors.

Before you begin working with students, you will need to pass a background check. Once you have completed all the necessary formalities, you will be able to start working with students. Prior to becoming an academic counselor, Anthony Smith Berkeley worked for several years as a teacher in the Berkeley Unified School District.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Anthony Smith from Berkeley - Tips To Make Your Summer Camp Successful

Anthony Smith from Berkeley is the director of a summer camp. He has many responsibilities in this role and works hard to make sure every camper has fun and is kept safe. If you operate and work at a summer camp and want to make sure it is successful, these tips can help.

Have Contests
Kids love to compete and there is nothing wrong with a little friendly competition between campers. Find a way to make things at camp competitive. You can do races and athletic competitions or even see who can pick up the most trash around camp.

Offer Rewards
Offer rewards for your campers. Make sure you notice the things they do and find a way to reward them. You may want to bring popsicles to camp one day or even surprise everyone with a water balloon fight as a reward for good attendance.

Mix It Up
Your campers don’t want to come back to the same things every year or even every day so make sure you mix it up a little. Have new activities for them to try or surprise them with something new for all campers to enjoy such as a water slide or a basketball court.

Being the director of a summer camp like Anthony Smith Berkeley can be challenging and one of the biggest challenges is making sure the camp is successful as a whole. If you want to make your summer camp successful, the above tips can help.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Anthony Smith from Berkeley - How To Finding Funding For A Summer Camp

Anthony Smith from Berkeley is the director of a summer camp. In order to keep costs down for campers and camp staff, many camps are sponsored or funded by outside sources. If you are considering operating a summer camp and need to find funding, here are some tips that may help.


There are many grants available for summer camps. Check online to find out what grants are available and what you need to do to qualify for them. You may need to write a proposal or contact numerous offices to qualify for the grant.


You can ask the businesses in your area if they would be willing to donate money to help fund the camp. Many companies are happy to help with something that benefits local kids and those that can’t donate money may be willing to donate supplies such as water, food or equipment.


You can do numerous fundraisers to help raise money to support your camp. You can have campers do the fundraisers to help pay their way or use the money to improve things around the camp. You can sell things, raffle things and even have contests to raise money.

If you want to run a successful summer camp like Anthony Smith from Berkeley and need help finding ways to fund it, the above tips can help. Not every camp is funded by an outside source, but funding can help make camp more affordable for everyone.