Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Anthony Smith Berkeley - Characteristics That Make a Great Teacher

Anthony Smith of Berkeley spent his early career teaching elementary students in the San Francisco Unified School District. Teaching is one of the most complicated jobs out there. It demands a broad knowledge of subject matter, curriculum, and standards. It also takes an enthusiastic, caring attitude and a love of learning. Teachers are required to understand different classroom management and discipline techniques and must possess the desire to make a difference in the lives of their students. With all of these qualities being a requirement for teaching, it can be hard to find great teachers. Here are some characteristics that all great teachers possess. 
  • Great teachers expect that all their students will achieve their set of high expectations and they refuse to give up on underachievers. 
  • They have clear, written-out objectives that give their students a clear understanding of what they will be learning, what assignments they’ll have to complete and how they will be graded throughout the year. 
  • Great teachers are always prepared and organized. They present lessons in clear and structured ways and their classrooms are well organized to help minimize distractions. 
  • They engage students and get them to look at a variety of issues in a multitude of ways. The start with facts and ask questions. They look at all sides and encourage students to predict what will happen next. 
  • They form strong relationships with their students. They are warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring and show their students that they care about them as people.
The single most important factor in determining the quality of education a child receives is the quality of the teacher. Anthony Smith Berkeley spent five years teaching elementary students before becoming an academic counselor in California.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Anthony Smith Berkeley - Roles and Responsibilities of Academic Advisors

As an academic counselor, Anthony Smith of Berkeley has been helping his students recognize and achieve their educational goals for more than a decade. The role of the academic advisor is important, as they help potential college students examine school programs, recognize their academic strengths, and help them navigate through the application and financial aid process. 

The first priority of an academic counselor is to ensure that each student performs their best academically and to help students navigate the college admission requirements and help them prepare for graduation. In order to prepare their students for life after graduation, they may organize and execute career fairs, invite business leaders and Armed Forces recruiters to explain the benefits of their industries to the students and plan volunteer internships for their students.

Some of the common duties academic counselors are responsible for performing include:
  • Supplying scholarship information
  • Providing school-to-career guidance
  • Interpreting standardized test scores
  • Counseling individual students
  • Working with social service agencies
  • Maintaining academic records
  • Developing guidance programs
  • Providing appropriate student resources
  • Facilitating conferences
  • Orienting new students
Along with providing students with needed resources to succeed, academic counselors may also have to act as social workers, seeking to identify any problems at home that may be negatively impacting their students’ academic and social development. This can include discussing issues of substance abuse and violence in and outside of the home. 

Anthony Smith has been working with students at Berkeley High School for more than a decade, managing a case load of more than four hundred students a year.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Anthony Smith Berkeley - Top Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Anthony Smith, an academic counselor at Berkeley High School has been helping teachers prepare for parent conferences for more than a decade. When it comes to teachers making these conferences meaningful for all parties involved, here are some tips to help teachers prepare.
  1. Parents are your friends and want to partner with you to help their children succeed academically. These conferences might be an opportunity for you to reflect on your beliefs about parents. However, you want to remember to put those beliefs aside when you engage with them and welcome them as your ally.
  2. Make sure you know what your objective is for the time you have with the parents. Be clear on what you want to communicate and what you want the outcome of the meeting to be. Make sure you prepare your materials ahead of time so you can make the most of your time.
  3. If you are having a specific issue with a child, you need to be able to offer specific actionable solutions to the parents. You have to be specific when you are asking for change. 
  4. Show that you care about them and their child’s success. Be specific in the positive data that you share with the parents and make sure that you truly feel this positivity.
These conferences are a way for you to communicate with your student’s parents and learn a little more about them. Take the time to prepare and get the most out of every meeting. Antony Smith Berkeley has been working with parents and teachers as an academic counselor for more than a decade.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Anthony Smith Berkeley - Tips for Being a Successful Youth Athletic Coach

Anthony Smith was an academic counselor at Berkeley High School in California for more than a decade. During his time at the school, he also spent time as a youth athletic coach for PAL & Parks and Recreation. Coaching youth sports isn't an easy endeavor and takes a lot of patience to be successful. Here are six tips for finding success as a youth sports coach. 
1.When working with kids, you have to use positive reinforcement. Kids don’t respond well to negative criticism. It makes them less confident and more hesitant in their decisions on the field. When you use positive reinforcement the kids are more receptive and open-minded to feedback.

2.The key to youth athletics is the fundamentals. It is important to keep things simple when working with young players. Every sport has core skills that are needed for success and ensuring the players understand these skills is important not only for success but for the players’ overall development. 

3.You need to customize your instruction to each individual child’s skill level. Once they have mastered the foundation of the sport, you can move onto more technical skills that will help them master their specific position. To keep the kids engaged both mentally and physically, they need to receive custom instruction.

4.As a coach for youth sports, you also have to be mindful of the parents. It is vital that you communicate your expectations to the parents of your players. From day one, you need to clearly communicate your intentions for the season and your expectations for the culture of the team to the parents. However, you don’t want to alienate the parents either, so it is important that you are approachable and that you keep an open mind. 

5.You need to help your players have the right attitude and learn to react to challenges with the desire to work harder in order to overcome those challenges. As a coach, you have the opportunity to help frame how your players will think about failure and how they will deal with it throughout the rest of their lives. 

6.If you happen to be coaching your child’s team, you have to be mindful of your relationship with them. You have to identify the strategies that work for you. This can be working one-on-one with your child, or having another coach be their primary instructor. You have to be able to identify the right approach for your child that will help them progress as a player, gain confidence, and have fun. 

Coaching youth sports is a rewarding, but often times thankless job. With the right attitude and understanding of how to work with children, you can find enjoyment in the position. Anthony Smith Berkeley, California was a youth baseball, basketball, and track coach who helped his players excel both athletically as well as academically.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Anthony Smith of Berkeley - Three Important Career Skills for Academic Counselors

Anthony Smith worked as an academic counselor at Berkeley High School for eleven years. He has 19 years’ experience educating, counseling, and collaborating and has worked as a teacher at various schools. Being a school counselor is a challenging job, but it is something Anthony Smith of Berkeley enjoys doing. Every school counselor should work towards developing skills that will help them be successful in the job they do. Here are three important career skills every academic counselor should develop.

Interest in Others
While it might not be a skill, it is an essential component of being an academic counselor. Every counselor should wake up each morning with the energy and desire to help people get through their problems. Academic counselors face a variety of situations all of which requires them to have a genuine interest in helping others. Without this quality, they will find it difficult to execute their duties as an academic counselor.

Every counselor knows the importance of looking within themselves to carefully observe others. In counseling, it is important to make the student think well, feel well, and act well, and through this, the therapist or counselor can empathize and relate well with the student. Helping the student to think well will help them demonstrate better academic skills.

Accessibility and Authenticity
An academic counselor should be accessible to the students in order to gain their trust and confidence. The counselor has to show himself as being genuine and empathetic in his professional persona. Developing an empathetic connection with each student will help build a trust with the student and find a solution to their issues.

Anthony Smith Berkeley managed a case load of over 400 students at Berkeley High School.


Monday, 8 August 2016

Anthony Smith of Berkeley - Why You Should Consider a Career as a Teacher

Anthony Smith of Berkeley knows that teaching is a challenging job with various frustrations; however, it is one of the few jobs that has so many benefits. With over 19 years’ experience in educating, counseling, and collaborating, Anthony Smith of Berkeley knows that the teaching profession is one of the most coveted positions today. Here are a couple of reasons why you should consider a career as a teacher.

Making a Difference

Teachers have the incredible job of making a difference in the lives of students every day. They can help a student develop an interest in a subject and develop themselves as they learn about new things every day. Teachers make a great impact in the lives of their students by developing their character, fostering creativity, and helping them develop vital skills that they will use in the world as they grow into adulthood.

A Vocation and Not a Job

Teaching is not just a job where you work for a paycheck in order to live, it is a vocation. Teachers interact with students all day long, mentoring them day by day so that they can make a difference in the world in the future. A teacher helps his students to maximize their imagination, talents, character and skills and prepare them to face the world as adults.

Lifelong Learner

As a teacher, you with have the ability to become better at what you teach. You learn a topic better when you start to teach it, and as you keep teaching a subject to your students, you will have the opportunity to learn new things. The questions students ask will help you dig deeper and learn more about the subject in order to answer them better.

Anthony Smith of Berkeley was a teacher before working as the academic counselor at Berkeley High School.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Anthony Smith of Berkeley - How Academic Counselors Can Help Students

Anthony Smith worked as a student counselor at Berkeley High School and Castlemont High School for several years. As an academic counselor, he handled a large number of student and worked tirelessly to help them succeed. An academic counselor has several responsibilities and has to have excellent management skills and a lot of patience. Anthony Smith graduated with his Master’s degree in School Counseling from the University of La Verne before taking up a job as the academic counselor at Berkeley High School. Here are three ways counselors can help both students and parents.

Academic Support

One of the primary ways academic counselors can help students is by providing them academic support. Several students who struggle with their studies often go unnoticed. Sometimes students are too embarrassed to ask for help, or they avoid asking for help because of a bad experience with the academic counselor at school. Counselors can sit with the teacher to discuss the student’s problem or sit with the student and help them deal with their difficulties.

Parental Counseling

Counselors can work together with the parents and offer helpful advice on how to help their children with their studies. If the student has issues at home, the counselor might want to recommend family therapy. Some schools offer special training for parents on how to deal with difficult issues with their children.

Individual Counseling

The academic counselor can help students deal with various problems they face in school such as bullying. Students can seek crisis counseling from their academic counselors to help them deal with personal issues they might be facing.

Anthony Smith Berkeley provided personal, academic, social, and vocational guidance to students at Berkeley High School.

Source: ​

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Anthony Smith of Berkeley - How to Work Your Way Up to Becoming an Academic Counselor

Anthony Smith of Berkeley worked at several high schools and is an experienced academic counselor. He worked for eleven years at Berkeley High School and helped several students navigate their way through high school and onto college. Working as an academic counselor is not a task for the fainthearted, it requires patience and skill in dealing with students, parents, and teachers. Anthony Smith spent eleven years working at Berkeley High School and rendered personal, social, and academic advice to students. Here are a few tips you can use if you are looking to become an academic counselor.

If you are planning to become an academic counselor, you will need to earn an undergraduate degree. While you can choose a degree in any field, it would benefit your career if you considered taking up a degree in education, or some other related field. Once you have completed your undergraduate program, you might want to enroll in a master’s degree program with an emphasis in education or school counseling. After completing your master’s degree program, you might need to earn your certificate as each state could have different laws that apply to academic counselors.

Before you begin working with students, you will need to pass a background check. Once you have completed all the necessary formalities, you will be able to start working with students. Prior to becoming an academic counselor, Anthony Smith Berkeley worked for several years as a teacher in the Berkeley Unified School District.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Anthony Smith from Berkeley - Tips To Make Your Summer Camp Successful

Anthony Smith from Berkeley is the director of a summer camp. He has many responsibilities in this role and works hard to make sure every camper has fun and is kept safe. If you operate and work at a summer camp and want to make sure it is successful, these tips can help.

Have Contests
Kids love to compete and there is nothing wrong with a little friendly competition between campers. Find a way to make things at camp competitive. You can do races and athletic competitions or even see who can pick up the most trash around camp.

Offer Rewards
Offer rewards for your campers. Make sure you notice the things they do and find a way to reward them. You may want to bring popsicles to camp one day or even surprise everyone with a water balloon fight as a reward for good attendance.

Mix It Up
Your campers don’t want to come back to the same things every year or even every day so make sure you mix it up a little. Have new activities for them to try or surprise them with something new for all campers to enjoy such as a water slide or a basketball court.

Being the director of a summer camp like Anthony Smith Berkeley can be challenging and one of the biggest challenges is making sure the camp is successful as a whole. If you want to make your summer camp successful, the above tips can help.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Anthony Smith from Berkeley - How To Finding Funding For A Summer Camp

Anthony Smith from Berkeley is the director of a summer camp. In order to keep costs down for campers and camp staff, many camps are sponsored or funded by outside sources. If you are considering operating a summer camp and need to find funding, here are some tips that may help.


There are many grants available for summer camps. Check online to find out what grants are available and what you need to do to qualify for them. You may need to write a proposal or contact numerous offices to qualify for the grant.


You can ask the businesses in your area if they would be willing to donate money to help fund the camp. Many companies are happy to help with something that benefits local kids and those that can’t donate money may be willing to donate supplies such as water, food or equipment.


You can do numerous fundraisers to help raise money to support your camp. You can have campers do the fundraisers to help pay their way or use the money to improve things around the camp. You can sell things, raffle things and even have contests to raise money.

If you want to run a successful summer camp like Anthony Smith from Berkeley and need help finding ways to fund it, the above tips can help. Not every camp is funded by an outside source, but funding can help make camp more affordable for everyone.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Anthony Smith from Berkeley - Tips For Teaching Young Children

Anthony Smith from Berkeley has been working with children of all ages for many years. He now spends most of his time working with high school students but he also worked with elementary school children for a short time. Working with small children can be challenging but also fun. Here are some tips to make it easier.

Make Learning A Game

If you want to help little kids learn, you have to be sneaky about it. Sometimes the easiest way to do that is by playing an educational game. The young children will not even know they are learning and just think they are playing a fun game.

Give Them Short Breaks

Little kids have short attention spans and you can’t expect them to sit for and pay attention for long periods of time. Make sure you give the children short breaks so they can take their mind off what they are learning for a few minutes and then refocus and learn more.

Make It Easy

Kids don’t want to be confused or have too much to know or remember. Give them material that they can understand and comprehend and make it fun for them. Many young children respond well to songs that help them remember their lessons.

If you are planning to become a teacher or you want to work as a counselor or in another position in a school system like Anthony Smith Berkeley, you will likely have to work with young children at some point. The above tips can help.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Anthony Smith from Berkeley - Fun Themes For Your Next Summer Camp

Anthony Smith from Berkeley works with children on a regular basis and enjoys helping them have fun and succeed in life. He is the director of a summer camp and hosts the camp each year as a way to bring children together and help them have fun and learn in a safe environment. If you own, direct, or work at a summer camp, you may be looking for some fun ideas for the theme of the camp. Here are a few ideas to consider.

Animals And Nature
Kids love animals and nature and there are numerous things you can do at a nature camp or one that is focused on animals. You can collect items in nature, learn about different animals and conservation and even have guest speakers talk to the campers.

Space And Aviation
Space and aviation camps are common and usually successful. Many children are curious about space and want to know more about it. You can build model space ships and airplanes and learn about how certain things fly.

Sports And Hobbies

Many kids play sports and enjoy learning how to play new ones. You can offer a sports and hobbies theme camp and create stations that focus on different sports and hobbies. You may also want to find sports and hobbies that are less popular and that many campers may not have heard of.

When you work at or direct a summer camp like Anthony Smith from Berkeley you have to find a way to keep the children interested and having fun. This can sometimes be challenging but the above theme ideas can help you make your camp more enjoyable for everyone.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Anthony Smith of Berkeley - How to Become a Great Horseback Rider

Anthony Smith Berkeley, an academic counselor in Berkeley, California, is an experienced horseman. He has been riding horses for 35 years. Two of his passions are helping students succeed academically, and riding horses. He always looks forward to going for a ride in beautiful parts of California. Whenever he is not coaching youth sports, or advising students, he is on a horse. If you dream of becoming an excellent horseback rider, there are a few steps that you will need to take.

The first thing you should do is sign up for lessons. You will need to learn how to interact with horses. These animals are generally friendly, but you should have a basic understanding of them. It is also important that you learn how to take safety measures when riding a horse. Lessons will help you learn how to saddle a horse, and how to guide a horse.

The next step you take should be to get to know a horse. You will learn quicker if you spend time with one specific horse. Get to know your horse, and become accustomed to being on horseback. Once you are comfortable, you will need to practice. The more time you spend riding, the better you will become. Over time you can learn how to ride both western and English style. You will also be able to ride different horses after you have some experience. Anthony Smith is passionate about riding horses. He is an academic counselor in Berkeley, California and he has been riding horse for more than three decades.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Anthony Smith of Berkeley - Three Tips for Succeeding as a Teacher

Teachers are often responsible for helping students learn and succeed. Anthony Smith began his career as an elementary school teacher. He cares about education and he works hard to help students. After several years as a teacher, he earned a Master of Science with a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in Counseling. He enjoyed his time as a teacher and worked hard to be a successful teacher.

If you want to be a great teacher, the first thing you will need to do is earn a strong education. You should earn an undergraduate degree in the subject you wish to teach, and then study education. Most states require teachers to go through a licensing process which involves internship hours and an examination. If you have a strong education, you will be better equipped to help your students learn.

Another tip for succeeding as a teacher is to develop your organizational skills. You will need to be able to create multiple lesson plans and you will need to be able to balance several projects at a time. Teachers need to be organized in order to deal with grading assignments and generating new resources and projects.

A third tip for succeeding as a teacher is to develop excellent communication skills. You should be able to communicate your expectations to your students. You should also be open to listening to your students’ issues and concerns. Anthony Smith worked hard to become a successful teacher and academic counselor in Berkeley, California. He cares about all of his students.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Anthony Smith of Berkeley - What Every Academic Counselor Should Know

Academic counselors should be knowledgeable, experienced, and well-informed. Anthony Smith is a school counselor in Berkeley, California. He has spent years developing his skills as an academic counselor and he is dedicated to helping others. Academic counselors do not have an easy job, and they often work hard to help their students. There are a few things that every academic counselor should know.

Academic counselors should know how to do research. These individuals need to be able to provide students with information about potential colleges and job fields. These professionals should know how to perform research in order to help their students gather important information.

Every academic counselor should have a working knowledge of the college application process. These professionals advise their students on the steps they need to take in order to get into college. They need to be able to help their students maintain their academics and apply for colleges.
Academic counselors work with students on a day to day basis. These professionals should know how to interact and work with students. Academic counselors meet with students on a regular basis and they should be able to communicate with them.

Academic counselors help students in a variety of ways. These professionals work hard to provide students with valuable information and resources. Counselors should have a wide skill set and a varied knowledge. Anthony Smith Berkeley worked hard to become an academic counselor in Berkeley, California and he is dedicated to helping every one of his students succeed academically and socially.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Anthony Smith of Berkeley - Three Tips for Succeeding as a Counselor

School counselors are professionals who help students with their social issues and their academic issues. Anthony Smith is an experienced school counselor in Berkeley, California. He has worked for multiple high schools as an academic counselor. He always strives to help his students understand their high school transcripts and the importance of college. This can be a tough occupation and it takes a lot to succeed as a counselor.

A great tip for succeeding as an academic counselor is to stay current on information regarding colleges and universities. A good academic counselor attends events and conferences that are focused on college admission. As an academic counselor, you should also read literature on college acceptance rates and processes.

Another tip for succeeding as an academic counselor is to keep open office hours. There are many students who worry about high school graduation and college acceptance. Make sure to stay available for those students.

A third tip for being a great academic counselor is to listen to your students. When a student comes to you with a question or concern, make sure you listen to them and then address their concerns directly. This will show your students that you care about their academics. It will also help you find the information you need to help your students.

Anthony Smith Berkeley has been a school and academic counselor for more than 10 years. He has helped students in Berkeley, California understand their graduation requirements, and he has helped them make their way to college.